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My Next-Level Self 5 Week Course

My Next-Level Self 5 Week Course

Regular price $297.00 AUD
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Are you feeling stuck with your progress and want to know exactly what to focus on to get results?

Are you sick of being 'Mrs Potential' and ready to see what you're truely capable of?

Are you ready to achieve your version of success without the burnout? Without sacrificing your relationships or health or having to get up at 4am?

Are you ready to make personal growth a part of you, without something you need to add onto your already growing 'to-do' list?

Are you ready for your next level?

Then you're ready for the MY NEXT LEVEL SELF 5 WEEK COURSE! It's a 5 step formula you can use to achieve ANY goal over and over again, even if you're not sure what that is yet! If you want to succeed and increase your performance over the long term without wrecking your health, relationships, your positivity or sacrificing time with your family, this is for you. Most of us think to be a high performer we need to be disciplined, have the right mindset or that we need to focus more. But the truth is, we just have a bad system for organising our minds and prioritising our energy. This simple 5 step process has literally changed my life, and I know it will change yours, too. 

 The 5 steps to your next level self are a whole new way to be a high performer, where we prioritise joy, manifestation and having our cake and eating it too. There's no choosing between being your successful self OR a present with your family. You don't have to choose between your health or being a CEO. In these next 5 weeks, you'll learn that you can have both. Because what else are you meant to do with cake other than eat it? When you vibe high in one area of your life, you transfer that energy and it overflows into the others. Let me show you how.

🚀 Course Highlights


Emily will dive deep into the essential first step of becoming your next-level self: clarity. Discover how to connect to your purpose and get clarity on your goals and aspirations, setting the stage for success and abundance.


We get down and dirty with your limiting beliefs and become aware of what’s holding you back from your goals. We learn practical tools like nervous system regulation and building momentum to demolish self doubt and build your confidence leaving you feeling unstoppable. This week is so good.


This week is all about high vibrations and becoming an energetic match for your goals. Using an understanding of universal laws, we learn to attract our desires to us with practical activities the leave you feeling proud of yourself RIGHT NOW. You won’t be waiting around until the finish line to feel this good, you’ll be buzzing for the whole week.


I challenge you to reach new heights and new standards for yourself this week. We break free from limitations, uncover secrets of the subconscious mind to harness it’s incredible power and drive positive change in your life. We form healthy habits and use imagery to raise the bar. This week is probably the most practical, and is all about taking that aligned action. Because goals only work when you do. 


Are you ready to feel the most supported you ever have? Are you ready to lean away from anxiety and worry, knowing that everything is working out the way it’s meant to? Are you ready to trust so deeply that you know any rejection feels more like universal protection? Get ready to answer and experience a big fat YES for all of these questions this week. This is how we turn chasing into attracting, and step into our next level with ease, flow and a mastered skill where it comes so naturally and a second nature for you. 


🎁 Exclusive Benefits/Details:

  • 5 x Modules 
  • 5 x Training Video
  • Weekly Workbook to download
  • Guided Meditations and activities to integrate your learnings into your daily life
  • Lifetime access to the course and the recordings (including any updates on content and new content)


How much time will it take?

The video calls range from 30-60 minutes. I recommend approximately 2 hours a week to work on yourself. That includes the videos, integration activities and completing the workbooks. You can do a little each day, or do it all at once. 


This course is a guide designed to provide you with tools and recourses to up level your life. You will get out of it what you put into it. It can be life changing if you’re ready to show up for yourself! Remember, goals only work when you do.

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